
Clarior Fama

And I wondered here
where is Tupac?
And where is Paul, and Becky or complicated people she hangs out with. But then
I think I figured it out. I think Kyle's most successful writing
is the stuff I can hear him reading
because to me, Kyle's reading/
voice is a big part of it. For me reading out loud/
voice is a big part of it. I am terrible at this.
I kept thinking How do you read a Cutlass
like a song stuck.

Let's put a-
way each, in it's neatliest

or, alternately, take out each box of,
remove the lid…

Should say, there are things that amuse
moods for being amused.

I don't occupy amusable space lately
except privately, tho I lol plenty

not much fooled outwardly, deeper knowledge
of place in the immediacy of leaving

unlike the deepest that comes
having never strayed.

I wonder how you are doing and it's amusing
to think we were marginally.

Orphans full of fire
gotta surround a childhood with candles
play in the wax and melt. There
is the making
and there is the burning
of an object, a useful thing that is
anymore, purely decorative

you make a thing
and a thing is used;
mostly things i use
i did not make.
A guilt can follow.
But not in art. All art
flies in the face of this guilt.

I shy away from making definitive statements about art. About poetry.     "art is ______" that kind of shit.   that kind of thing.                  But I think I can make that one.          Even make that one to your friends maybe even.      These guys             grilling, you could tell em.             But the effort to make it interesting           makes it hard to focus.                  I am your girlfriend on drugs at the stockmarket.  I have a poem

due but every day in May is a race this time.        To leave on time and I'm often awfully late.    Every day                  in May is probably my favorite                 in Nebraska. At least growing up. Anymore May turns to June and April and March take on what I favorited.                   Anymore I favorite
rather than favor.        I look to leave                  looking.        No real departures. Whatever I may
do to the poem,                  the poem's still mine.

0. EPILOGUEapologia

I wanted to write
this really epic Cutlass--

    which would respond most immediately to Paul and Kyle 
        in content, and with a form that directly addressed
        Kyle's form visually and numerically as well as interns of having these kinds of
        because I really wanted to focus on this idea of how you read a Cutlass
        in responding to these two poems because I usually use the two preceding poems

    to most directly influence what my cutlass
        will look and slice like.

    But also since I read every Cutlass
        as it's forged

    with the aspiration, usually somewhat selectively disregarded
            of the entire mood, and the cumulative voice
            should inspire my production

    I also wanted to have a section for each preceding.
            Kyle has as many sections as there have been cutlasses, did you see that?
        I don't know if he responded directly in any of them
        but man I gotta say, these are the flights

        the detectivework amusing me through
        through a poem/Cutlass's alleyways
        and parkinglots, magic art is/does

  is the work I hope
  goes into the candles I burn.

but it couldn't be done in 3 days
in 2 cities :/
[exit, tap-dancing, stage right]

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