
outer senshi

stuck in a super slow golden eclipse
i'm a calm bone-whittler, full of bruisy calamity,
i'm the hardest softest hardest softest

all my correspondences back to earth
use the phrase:
let me know
let me
    know, think of a gentler request;
i've been up against and grinding
since there were sharps enough to cut,
my spatial interruptions
getting blunter, blunting my blunts til they're a twist
of remembered edges
                the essences escape still
i'm a wad of bluffs
i'm a buffalo gal, i will come all over
then expand, merge, bifurcate,
ox-bow around a little

forgive therefore this loyal telescoping;
pardon these plain quakes,
the sound you hear that's like 
twenty hungry guitars circling,
                                           i got taught 
to be careful of a steady winnow, forgot,
i did rupture.
my wavelengths bear no sheist particles,
when i find a hill i got to roll down;
remember grass, climb
can i be expected not to remember too 
a tongue
that was sun-colored,
a clutch to be impressed upon,
a real stand-out 
son of someone

you probably don't wake with intentions
in cold empty wind space out here,
say without alarm i wish
every moment from now on to be
the marrow your thoughts gnaw,
and the sweet star-dew they lick
when they wake from fits and 
stray to dreaming