

Let's go through

the glory hole 


darling. The idea of mystery sex
even beyond anonymous

not even sure what's touching
your marriage tackle. 

Diet matters
with this. When you're dealing with as much protein
as a porkchop. One gags more than the other
on the swallow. Vegetarians know things.
Avoid garlic and smoking,
eat a mango if you're really worried.

Ever disgusted by the smell of pig
food--food made of pig, bacon's cool
but anything else
makes the house smell of fleshy,
scalded electric stove--I can't help
but think only flesh
flesh flesh flesh
and a pig's skin sunburns just the same
while it lives.

There is a velcro to the teeth after
chewing up meat,
a gummy pull upon opening the jaw
not unlike the way DNA on the fingers
sets so quickly to sticking.

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